04 November 2007

catching up

hello, readers.

I've been busy helping people move and starting my new job! Should see a first paycheck in a couple of weeks. :)

Dakota and Nevada are pretty much moved in, we're going to help them go pickup a washer and dryer tomorrow.

Rick and I just had an AWESOME soup from the grocer across the street - thai shrimp and mushroom and lemony goodness. Yum!! Plus a fresh loaf of bread, baked from tube form, a la biscuits and cinnamon rolls. Supergood...

am looking forward to a pre-screen interview with St. Mary's tomorrow - it'd be neat to work there, as I was born there...and they are now owned by CHW, and I know that the lab folk are separate completely from the phlebotomists in their labs...

it's been a good daylight savings day, with the extra hour and all. :)

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