16 November 2007


forgot my backpack at the other house...didn't think it'd be a big deal, I'll pick it up whenever...but now it's been two days since I took a pill (also not thinking it'd be a big deal, since I'm 100% celibate these days)...and now my face is totally broken out and I'm on the rag. blech.

so I'll be going on a mission to the other side of town this afternoon to re-acquire said backpack.

things here are ok. still no hours at the videogame store, and haven't heard back from any other applications...but I'll get back to them on monday, as I have a killer sore throat and am quite full of snot. the baby's got it too - and she's so cute when she presents her face for a snot wipe. like, "please wipe my face, as I do not particularly enjoy the flavor of my own mucus."

the scarf I'm more than halfway through with is also in the backpack, so I've been working on a hat for Tom for when he gets here in a month. I can knit a size 7 3/4 beanie in a month, right?!?

I'm off to take some drugs and get on a bus.

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