11 September 2008

thinking thoughts again

so...I came to the conclusion recently that if I were to conceive a child, I would prefer a boy child...this is all theory, no practical application, since I have not as of yet decided to breed at all...

but several questions came up with regard to *why* I would prefer a boy...and it kinda comes down to a couple of very simple facts.

I was a total outcast as a child. for being smart, for having boobs early, for all the reasons that make a kid a nerd. I liked reading (still do), and I liked activities usually reserved for the gender realm of boys (working on engines, building derby racers, camping, etc)...I always thought the cub scout troop my brother was in was having way more fun than the brownie troop I was in...

so. for all I talk about how gender roles are crap and how everyone should just do what makes them happy, I don't think I would ever want someone I cared about to go through the tough battle of constantly having to defend themselves and their choices. all my friends have always been boys, and they're pretty accepting of my weirdness, but it was still a hard way to be a little kid.

I would want to be an active participant in any offspring's life. like, I would want to play with them and do stuff and take an interest in their interests...and the stuff I like to do is boy stuff.

see where I'm headed with this?

if I had a girl and encouraged her to do the things I like to do, I'd probably end up raising an outcast or a hippie...possibly a lesbian (which, unfortunately, would probably still fall under the first category)...

that sounds prejudiced and fucked up, I know. I'm not a lesbian - although I do like lots of "boy" stuff, I also like boys. a lot. one boy in particular these days...and he's got a six year old little girl who is everything the archetype of little girls is: she loves glitter/pink/singing/dancing/gymnastics/ribbons/bows...etcetcetc. all the crap I've always despised and therefore eschewed. it's hard to stay interested in her and her life. which isn't really my job anyway, but it's been an eye-opener.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted 5 boys. I ended up with 3 girls and 1 boy. My oldest likes the "boy" stuff...digging in the dirt, riding bikes, nothing too girly. My #2 is the girly girl...pink, barbies, etc. Then, my one and only boy...likes it all. He will play in the dirt and then want to dress up a barbie doll.

What's my point? I don't really know. But, I guess it is that you just never know. I think gender is just a label for what kids will/can do. If you have a girl, expose her to camping, cars, etc. from the day she is born and I think you will have no problem. And, teach her to kick some ass so nobody will mess with her if she is a hippie.

Not to mention, there are boys out there that enjoy girly things too. What if that happens??? Just my two cents :-)