22 November 2007


tomorrow is Black Friday - and I work at the videogame store at 7am. woo!!

today was a sick day to recover from last night. even drinking only HALF of what they were doing, I couldn't keep up and I am sooo sick today. no more drinking with dakota and taylor. at all. not that I think I need to give up drinking, just that I need to watch it - and drinking with the boys does not equal moderation. at all. so no more of that.

things here are ok. no sock knitting, just hats and scarves as it's getting colder and colder. :)

1 comment:

Doc H said...

These fellows are young men in their early to mid twenties? Good stout hearty livers with lots of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, no fibrosis, and so much cytochrome p450 that you can understand why men get the jobs with toxic waste, pesticide, and poisons.

Per private agreement (one of the others is still alive), I have absolutely no recall of those years or the things I did or witnessed. And, no, I ain't goin' senile like Reagan. Not yet, anyway.
